FINALLY – A post!

Hi Bloggy friends. Here I sit in a puddle of guilt and shame for the neglected status of my blog. I mean to blog, I think about it, I have posts floating around in my little head and yet life has prevented me from just sitting down and typing! I am home today with a…

Hi Bloggy friends. Here I sit in a puddle of guilt and shame for the neglected status of my blog. I mean to blog, I think about it, I have posts floating around in my little head and yet life has prevented me from just sitting down and typing! I am home today with a sick 3 year old and after cleaning my room and a little nap (still obeying that sleep when your baby sleeps rule – lol), I’ve decided it’s time to blog. Besides, I have all day to clean the kitchen and organize the photo album, right?

Instead of overwhelming you with everything that’s in my mind, I’m hoping I can set up this post and then schedule some future posts so we’ll see what gets done! 🙂

First, I’ve been been most distracted with this bulging belly of mine and all the fanfare that accompanies it! After finding out we were having a girl, the fate of my sewing room was confirmed…it had to go. If we had a boy, I *might* have been able to convince my husband that the boys could share a room and I could keep my sewing room, which I swore no child would ever usurp. So after first trimester yuckies, I had to work to go from this:

A whole room and a full closet…to this:

As you can see…I’m still trying to figure out how it will all effectively reside in this corner of the room. The Armoire we found on Craigslist. It was handmade by the owner’s grandpa (which seemed appropriate) and it has some of the same scroll work our other bedroom furniture has. I have the top portion filled with my garment fabrics:

The armoire is so deep, what you can’t see is behind that first row on boxes on the right, there is a 4-tiered wire basket system holding the miscellaneous fabrics. The fabrics in the boxes are categorized – swimsuit fabrics, running shirt fabrics, etc. and then some specific projects. The bottom of the armoire holds all my quilt-y stuff on the bottom shelf and notions on the top:

And then the “attic” – if only I could sit down and sew forever, I might be able to move some of the madness from the top of the armoire to the inside…

Up here are my patterns in new pattern boxes, serger thread, dress forms and whatever miscellaneous I didn’t know what to do with. It looks chaotic, but it will have to work for now.

At first I was crazy overwhelmed – losing my sewing room, having to condense it all to a corner in our bedroom, not knowing where on earth I was going to put it all…but I do enjoy having the big window just above my sewing machine for that wonderful natural light. Something I have also been surprised by is how much I like having a space I have to clean up after each sewing session. I can’t just shut the door and let it pile up – we have to sleep in our bed that night and my husband has to be able to get to his side (this is on his side of the room). So so far, it’s been a good thing. Plus, well…I’ll let this picture say it all. <3


  1. Adorable Jaime! I am always in awe of your awesomeness…. woman, wife, mommy, employee, seamstress, blogger, jogger…. the list goes on.

  2. the things we do for our kids! 🙂 Love the big window over your sewing station…jealous is probably a better word. And that baby bedding is so adorable it hurts! So stinkin’ cute!

    1. Thanks Liz! I had a big window in the other room too…but I had my cutting table in front of it instead of my machine! What was I thinking!?! haha

  3. It looks like you are maximizing that armoire to it’s fullest. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know! Maybe you have some specific things that you haven’t been able to organize yet…I might be able to come up with a few solutions for you.

    And your girl’s crib looks awesome. 🙂 She’ll be SO worth it.

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