Getting back to work…(random thoughts)
Hi everyone! Sorry about the serious neglect of my blog! I feel awful, but I find solace in the fact that virtually all my online friends experienced the same holiday craziness and, in one way or another, have also had a hard time keeping up with their blogs. Now that life is back to normal,…
Hi everyone! Sorry about the serious neglect of my blog! I feel awful, but I find solace in the fact that virtually all my online friends experienced the same holiday craziness and, in one way or another, have also had a hard time keeping up with their blogs. Now that life is back to normal, we can get back into the swing of things!
After the stress and late nights due to the Craft Fair at the end of November, I didn’t push myself to do a lot of sewing in December. I finished two more bibs (posted about here), one of which sold in time for Christmas! The buyer was kind enough to send me the following review of the bib: “I LOVE THE BIB!!! Silas does, too. He has this habit of putting his hand in his mouth after every bite, but when he wears your bib he spends all his time playing with it instead of sucking on his hands, which makes me soooo happy! LOVE IT!” It’s so great to hear some feedback!
However, if you sell children’s items, you’ve probably already heard about the new laws coming into effect as of February 2009 that require manufactures (however big or small) to test their products for hazardous materials, which will, as is said, essentially put small businesses out of business. Because it is all very confusing to me as to which items will qualify for these 3rd party tests, I am considering leaning toward the quilting side of my sewing. This is kind of a bummer, since I had the children’s jeans line in the works, as well as good reports coming back about my bibs and another baby quilt in the making. Fortunately I have not invested $1000’s in my inventory so if all else fails I’ll be able to give the few items that I have as gifts and focus on quilted items. At minimum, I’ll probably put my kids items on hold until we all figure out the ramifications of the laws. – Now, don’t mistake my “mild voice” to be indifference to these laws. I’m as upset as anyone, but until I better understand them, I don’t feel I can really say much.
Outside of my Etsy/1000 Markets store, I have been called for several pants hems, a bridesmaid hem, and adding elastic to a men’s jacket. The sleeves are too long, but we don’t want to make them too short, so the customer and I decided just inserting elastic into the hem (which makes a wonderful already-made casing!) would be the best bet. I swore off alterations a few months ago, but these people are friends and family and so how can I resist. Once I do them, I’ll remember how much I hate alterations and get back to sewing some of the things mentioned above.
On a final note, I was a bad quilter and forgot to take pictures, but I made a beautiful table runner for my co-worker for Christmas from an American Primer Charm Pack. She had created my logo and banners and wouldn’t let me pay her so I thought I’d trade her creativity for mine! My friend Lynn quilted it on her long arm and got it back to me just in time to give to my co-worker on our last day of work. I will see if she’s willing to take pictures because I’d really hate to not have a picture of it.
Well, I could go on with random thoughts for days, since it’s been so long, but I’ll save those for another post! I won some really awesome giveaways that I want to share with you so check back for some fun stuff!
I’ve been wondering about possible loopholes in the proposed laws. Isn’t it all about how you market an item? For instance: “Child-size bib, perfect for dolls”…technically marketing for dolls, letting people know they’re big enough for kids, and letting you sell under the radar?>>I hope they end up letting smaller businesses go about business as usual, maybe just forcing a “has not been tested” disclaimer. *sigh* Good luck!
Hrmm…just realized that was a bad example…dolls also being for kids. But you know what I mean, I hope. Advertising toys as “collectibles” instead of toys. That kind of thing.
LOL I literally have some Mac & Cheese baking in the oven right now! I don't bring it to a full boil either. I just add the cheese once I see bubbles starting. I add 2 bags of cheese (different kinds) and about 8 slices american. It should be really creamy 🙂 Hope that helps!>>Did you read this…it has to do with all the legal stuff and a deadline to be heard is tonight!>>Good luck!
Hi Jaime,>>This is Tracy with>>For mentioning in a previous blog post, I have a special gift for you and your readers. >>At your convenience, please call me at 1-888-455-2940 ext. 214 or you can email me at>>Looking forward to speaking with you soon!>>Tracy Jackson>Affiliate/Donation Coordinator