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Bibs & Costumes

Well, Kim’s daughter’s wedding was tonight and I haven’t had any phone calls! lol. She ended up finding 2 ready-made dresses she liked so I altered both and left the rest up to her. Though Kim is not the reason I’m about to make the announcement I’m going to make, the whole situation reminded me…

Oh Boy!

Well, I haven’t been blogging as much as I hoped lately – mostly because I’ve been working on Kim’s dress. After a wonderful preliminary fitting, I made up the garment, only to find out that there were several changes she wanted to make. This necessitated playing with a muslin some more so I’ve made a…

Thank You, EtsyMom!

Thank You, EtsyMom!

I was surprised to be approached by Jamie of boodybabies and, of course, the EtsyMom team to be interviewed as this month’s featured shop! Etsymom is a wonderful team to be a part of – understanding, yet motivated crafters & businesswomen…and best of all, we’re all moms! Thanks to the EtsyMom Team for the feature…