Sewers Beware! This could happen to you!

Some of you may have already learned this lesson, but the rest of you, read on! If you love to sew, it naturally comes up in conversation. You attend an event and you’ve sewn your outfit and everyone finds out your secret…YOU SEW! All of a sudden, a thousand projects come to their mind for…

Some of you may have already learned this lesson, but the rest of you, read on! If you love to sew, it naturally comes up in conversation. You attend an event and you’ve sewn your outfit and everyone finds out your secret…YOU SEW! All of a sudden, a thousand projects come to their mind for you! All their lives they’ve been waiting for a seamstress to cross their path and then, Voila! there you are!

For those of you who don’t know, I am a church secretary. If you’ve ever worked in a similar position, you also know that job title doesn’t do justice to describe what you actually DO. Throughout the course of this job, I have created websites, brochures, postcards, cleaned resource rooms, helped wondering children back to their classroom (there’s also a school on our campus), fixed boo-boos, and more and more. Add now to that list costuming!

Tuesday afternoon I was sitting at my desk when Pastor walked out of his office and said, “You’re making my Rabbi Costume, right?”. Now, Vacation Bible School this year is called “Jerusalem Marketplace” and the idea is to take the kids back in time to 1st century Jerusalem and everyone’s in costume and there’s an actual marketplace with booths, etc. However, I had no idea I would be making some of the costumes! I told Pastor, “Not that I know of, unless you’re asking me right now!” “You’re hired!” he said. Off to Beverly’s I went! Now, here’s the pattern:

The next morning, I loaded up my serger, machine, iron, ironing board, and miscellaneous other supplies and got to work. My work station away from home was very nice!

Who wouldn’t love a cutting table like that!?! Raise it up to waist height and it would be perfect! Now that is the conference room next door to my desk. Here I am at my desk(s) (the desk with the sewing machines on them is actualy our Early Childhood Director’s desk, but she works part time so I was able to use her desk that day, thank goodness!).

Did I mention it was also my birthday? I got this wonderful “vase” with a gorgeous sunflower in it from my coworker’s husband and this adorable card from the 18 month old class down the hall. And hey – I got to sew on my birthday!

So between answering phones and emails, I was able to finish the costume in 2 days. Here are the results!

And all joking aside, I really am blessed to be able to use my skills to bless others. I’m always wishing I could sew at work and this week my two worlds collided! More costumes and possible window coverings for the preschool wing are in my future, but at least I get to sew on the clock!! 🙂


  1. That is awesome Jaime!!!! Good for you! That happens when you are so talented and have a passion for sewing, and it can be one more area of ministry!! :>)

  2. Yes, I am indeed one of these fortunate people who has the privilege of being blessed by your skills… I say just hours after I dumped MORE sewing projects on your desk!And, this post is hysterical!!! The pic of Rob is just classic! I love it! Have a great weekend and happy sewing, parenting, auntie-ing, churching, etc.

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