Do you ever feel compelled to give…?

Every once in a while I hear a story that knocks the wind out of me. Do you know what I’m talking about? A tragedy that seems unbearable? too much for one person all at one time?I recently heard about a young gal who is going through a terrible situation and the first thing that…

Every once in a while I hear a story that knocks the wind out of me. Do you know what I’m talking about? A tragedy that seems unbearable? too much for one person all at one time?
I recently heard about a young gal who is going through a terrible situation and the first thing that popped into my head was, “She needs a quilt”. After talking to her sister in law and finding out her favorite colors, I went a-shopping. Here’s what I came up with – just something simple I could finish and get in the mail ASAP.

The best part is the back – it’s a soft and fuzzy minky-like fabric that I hope will be especially comforting.
What about you? What do you do to offer comfort or encouragement when you hear stories like that?…


  1. I absolutely understand this need. What I don't understand is how others can feel you are just 'showing off' because you decided to give something from your heart that you made with your hands. I even get all choked up with the person when handing over their 'woobie' seeing the gratitude in their eyes. Powerful stuff! Many blessings to you for doing it! Horray for glad, gracious & free hearts that help others!

  2. That was so sweet of you to make someone a quilt to help make them feel better. And it’s beautiful girl!Jamie 🙂

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