Something For Elise

Something For Elise

When I found out we were having a girl, one of the most frequent comments I got from people who know that I sew was something like, “She’s going to have the cutest handmade clothes – you’re going to have so much fun sewing for a girl!” (No pressure! lol) Well, as I started at…

Nursing Tanks

Nursing Tanks

Even if you don’t sew or plan on nursing a baby any time soon…read on! I promise it’s worth it! With only 4 weeks to go, my focus has switched from maternity wear to after-delivery essentials. So I went online to search for some easy (EASY) nursing tanks and found this lovely option at the…

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Back To It

Wow – is it already the end of November?! Potty training is still going on and has pretty much been taking up all my time. But TMI, I know. It’s time to get back to it! I finished the tiny baby booties on a larger needle for the baby shower. Consequently, I did not…