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Back To It

Wow – is it already the end of November?! Potty training is still going on and has pretty much been taking up all my time. But TMI, I know. It’s time to get back to it! I finished the tiny baby booties on a larger needle for the baby shower. Consequently, I did not…

SSS Day 17

Yesterday was a very exciting day. My husband started laying laminate wood flooring in our main living areas!! We have been wanting to do this for a few years now and I’m beyond thrilled that the day has finally come! (Thanks for all your hard work, hubby!!) Alas, I had to go to work (which…

SSS Day 16

SSS Day 16

So I wondered aloud to you in the last post about what route I was going to take with the Lady Grey sew-a-long: Go easy or add in all the tailoring techniques and subsequent supplies. Well, in typical type A personality form, I have now ordered all the necessary and optional supplies to take the…

SSS Day 7

SSS Day 7

1 week down, 3 more to go (roughly)! Yesterday I was extra self-stitched. I’ve REALLY needed to get back to the gym, what with all this sewing going on, my mind has been elsewhere. So I got up EARLY and wore my favorite self-stitched running top in hot pink and black. I got the fuchsia…