SSS Day 16

SSS Day 16

So I wondered aloud to you in the last post about what route I was going to take with the Lady Grey sew-a-long: Go easy or add in all the tailoring techniques and subsequent supplies. Well, in typical type A personality form, I have now ordered all the necessary and optional supplies to take the…

SSS Day 14

SSS Day 14

Ahhhhhh….MOPS! Yesterday was our first meeting and it was so great to be back! I even received several daily blog reading confessions from a few moms – Thanks to all my closet readers! You make my day! To those of you unfamiliar with MOPS, it stands for “Mothers Of PreschoolerS” and if you’re a mom…

SSS Day 13

SSS Day 13

While looking at the pictures I had taken for yesterday, I couldn’t help but sing a song from my son’s kids song cd, “Let’s all go to the library, we’ll have so much fun!” Someday I’ll remember what music I used to listen to… Anyway, you’ve seen all this before but not in this combination….

SSS Day 12

SSS Day 12

Sunday means we’re teaching Sunday School again, but this time there weren’t eight 2 year old boys. There were 10 boys & girls all at various stages of potty training (or not), which made me terribly nervous! lol. Fortunately there were no accidents! I was quite comfy in my pleated Simplicity 4703 skirt, a ready…

SSS Day 10

SSS Day 10

New Self Stitched September readers may not know this, but I’ve been to sew all types of things – quilts, home decor & of course clothing. One of the fabric stores I like to follow is The Quilt Shoppe and their blog In Stitches. Last month I saw that they were doing a blog feature…

SSS Day 9

SSS Day 9

Yesterday Fall broke into our 100+ degree weather and showed up with clouds and cool temperatures. Now, in California, we call it “Fall” whenever we break into the 80’s. It may be strange to some of you in much colder climates, but we enjoy it. Many times we’re worried at Halloween whether we’ll be cool…

SSS Day 8

SSS Day 8

Yesterday was a looooooooooooong day. I was up super early and wanted something easy to wear. I chose my flared denim skirt (Simplicity 5914) and my (non) Maternity Wrap Top from Megan Nielson and, of course, my white camisole refashion underneath. I have to admit, I should probably have used a lighter weight denim or…

SSS Day 7

SSS Day 7

1 week down, 3 more to go (roughly)! Yesterday I was extra self-stitched. I’ve REALLY needed to get back to the gym, what with all this sewing going on, my mind has been elsewhere. So I got up EARLY and wore my favorite self-stitched running top in hot pink and black. I got the fuchsia…